Friday, September 26, 2008

Current progress

Haven't updated in a while, so this post covers my progress so far.

Better person part of blog

Books read:
Energy Addict: 101 Physical, Mental, and Spiritual Ways to Energize Your Life by Jon Gordon
Falls the Shadow by Sharon Kay Penman
Traveling Mercies: Some Thoughts on Faith by Anne Lamott

Bought book journal. Need to put sticky notes in the pages to organize it from A to Z, and number the pages.

New recipes tried: baked eggplant casserole, cider pork roast

Healthier person part of blog

Exercise? Haven't really done any, but I'm determined to start soon. I have been taking walks with the baby but they don't really count.

Drinking water has been going well. It helps that I'm nursing so I'm thirsty a lot.

Better mother part of blog

I read Molly a book most every evening. Sometimes we skip it but I'm pretty good about it.

Good news - I successfullly held off on feeding Molly solid food until she was exactly six months old! I'm proud of myself. And so far she had only eaten homemade baby food, so that's another thing on my list I'm doing well.

Creating and sending invitations for Molly's baptism will have to be done soon, as the baptism is Nov. 2! Note to self - get cracking!

I've been good about taking Molly on walks and doing something new with her every week. Something new can mean singing a new song to her, or playing a new game, or letting her play with a new toy, or anything - just keeping it simple but trying to stimulate her mind.

Better wife part of blog

Yeah, all of these I need to work on. I did buy the journal but haven't started writing in it yet. I want to number the pages and see if I should put each thing on a separate page or not. This month's "thing I didn't want to do" was go shopping on the day I took off when Molly had her six-month shots. I really didn't want to drag Molly around town when she might not feel well, but I did it anyway because he wanted to.

Better employee part of blog

Since I was out of town last week, I had a very productive week. This week... not so much. Working on that.

Healthy and happy family part of blog

My progress on buying healthy, natural, and organic items when grocery shopping is going well. I'm going to try to not buy anything in which I don't know what the ingredients are. All the produce with which I'm making Molly's food is organic. Today I'm going to the Whole Foods market on my way home to pick up some healthy snacks.

We did eat dinner at the table instead of the TV once, but Molly still seems to nurse while I'm eating dinner so the TV is just easier (and she's not looking at it.) Her high chair is at the dining room table away from the TV, and as she transitions to being in it at dinnertime that will be easier.

Better finances part of blog

I'm having trouble saving money right now, and haven't started any of the funds I've wanted to start. Will have to work on this.

Better organization part of blog

Yeah, this needs a lot of work.

Better Christian part of blog

Haven't been good about reading my Bible, but I've been good about praying and attending church. I keep forgetting to pray before meals. Incidentally, I combined #74 and 75 from "say prayers before meals at home" and "say prayers mentally before meals out" into just "say prayers before meals" and turned #75 into "Get more involved in my church." We're trying to do this by attending a class on the basics of the Cathedral every Wednesday. I'm also interested in joining the choir and thinking about talking to the choir director about it.

Fun part of blog

Tried a new restaurant - Shane's Rib Shack. I liked it.

Good impact part of blog

Bought three fabric grocery bags! Remembered to take them to the store and use them once.

If I could make my list 102 items, I'd add "begin using all natural environmentally friendly cleaners and cleansers." We're going to try to replace a lot of our cleaning products with things like vinegar, baking soda, and ammonia.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I'll be out of town next week

I'm visiting my parents next week for work, so I'm not sure how much time I'll have to complete the tasks on my list or to update this blog.  I'll be back for the week of 9/21.

This week's progress: 9/7 - 9/13

Daily tasks:

  • Drinking water at work: Good
  • I bought a blank journal in which to write one thing I love about Mark every night.  Haven't started filling it in yet, though. 
  • Read a book to Molly every night: Good
  • Making an effort to counter negative thoughts with positive thoughts: Poor
  • Told Mark I love him every day: Good
  • Called Mark whilst leaving work every day: Good
  • Eating dinner at the table instead of the TV: Breaking this habit will be a process and I think it will be easier once Molly starts eating solid food.
  • Praying at least once a day: Excellent
  • Pre-meal prayers: getting into this habit will also be a process.
  • Work productivity: So-so.

Weekly tasks:

  • New recipe tried: Naan pizza
  • New pictures taken of Molly: Excellent
  • Walk taken with Molly: Yes
  • New activity/game played with Molly: No
  • Romantic thing done for Mark: No
  • Vacuumed: No
  • Bible chapter read: No
  • This week at the grocery store, I bought organic mushrooms.

Long-term tasks:

  • I have bought two fabric grocery bags!
  • I washed the sheets last weekend.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

By the way, I completely acknowledge that this blog will be very boring to everyone but me.  I'm really using it as a tool to mark my progress through my list.  So don't feel like you need to read along every week.